Action learning topics


Selection of your topic could be based on an issue which is likely to evolve over the next three to six months, or it could be a long standing challenge you have perhaps been avoiding! Topics are likely to be complex and allow the possibility of a variety of approaches rather than have a simple solution. Previous examples of topics that have been brought to groups include: forthcoming restructures or integration of teams; relocation of activities; reshaping of services; enterprise and income diversification; addressing conflict or misunderstanding; career development choices; process review and improvement; alignment of local activity with wider strategic goals; building a new team; work-life balance; overcoming unconscious bias; navigating through the early weeks of a new leadership role; or just plain trying to understand ‘what’s going on’!

A Challenge Template to help you identify possible topics to bring to your action learning discussions is available to download from our Resources section.


The most effective learning takes place when we have real problems to solve. However, sometimes it can be difficult to share these with others who are experiencing exactly the same issue. People can become paralysed by their shared context and history, or they can find it hard to challenge assumptions and prevailing wisdom for fear of damaging working relationships. By bringing people together to reflect on real work issues who do not regularly work together, this creates an opportunity to explore different perspectives, which stimulates broader thinking about an issue than if you were left to tackle it alone. The confidential context of this collaborative learning approach can also help to:

  • build peer relationships across the sector

  • broaden perspectives through networking with other institutions

  • change practice through exploring differing approaches

  • appreciate different contexts /experiences, deepening awareness and understanding

  • create a safe space to develop the skill of holding non‐judgemental conversations.