Taking part

When, Where and How - below is all you need to know so you can participate fully in the SEAL programme and come along ready to get the most out of your action learning experience.

When and where?

There will be ten cohorts this year and the group discussions will run in parallel. The action learning meetings will take place on:

  1. Tues 30 January 2024: Launch Event (includes programme overview; development session: The Art of Listening and ‘Clean’ Questions; taster action learning groups). This will be an in-person launch event held at Senate House, University of London, 1000 - 1330, including a networking lunch.

  2. Tues 27 February 2024 (online action learning sets)

  3. Tues 26 March 2024 (online action learning sets)

  4. Tues 23 April 2024 (online action learning sets)

  5. Tues 21 May 2024 (online action learning sets)

  6. Tues 25 June 2024: Programme Completion Celebration (final event: action learning sets; evaluations; networking). This will be an in-person event held at the University of Westminster (Business School), 1000 - 1330, including a networking lunch

All on-line events will take place from 1000 - 1200, apart from the Launch event. Joining instructions will be provided by your designated action learning group facilitator in advance. Separate details will be sent for the final session which we are planning to hold as an in-person event.


There will be around six-eight participants in each cohort. We are using a variation of Post-it Method for the discussions, adapted for use online, as this means we can cover a lot of ground in a short space of time. At each session, everyone who has a topic to share will be allocated time to explore this with their group. There will also be an opportunity to share progress on actions earlier sessions. Each cohort has a designated facilitator who will structure and support the sessions and remain with your cohort for the duration of the programme. There will be an opportunity for networking with those in your action learning set. There will be regular breaks throughout each session, and these will be agreed with your facilitator.

Share the principles

During the Launch event, we will seek your agreement to the ground rules for how the action learning meetings will be run. We expect these to cover:

  • confidentiality within the cohorts

  • open sharing of information

  • active and respectful listening

  • sensitivity to others’ contexts and circumstances

  • willingness to be challenged

  • ownership by individuals of actions relevant to their issue

  • avoidance of judgemental statements

  • commitment to remaining on-task

  • respect for the process and equal allocation of time between participants

  • commitment to generating options for action, rather than prescriptive solutions.