
Sign up

If you would like to apply for a place on SEAL, please complete the form below. This will be sent to your participating HE institution and they will contact you direct to confirm whether you have been successful in gaining a place on this popular programme.

Aim of the SEAL prOJECT

To provide a space for women to voice their work and career challenges. And then, using the wisdom and support of the group, discover both the power and leadership qualities needed to take action to overcome them.

What is being planned?

We will be recruiting around six - eight SEAL programme participants from each institution by Friday 8th December 2023 so that we can confirm places before the Christmas break; we encourage you to apply as early as possible. Following successful selection to the programme, you will be assigned to a specific action learning cohort with all meetings taking place online via Microsoft Teams. There will be a launch event on Tues 30th January 2024 to welcome participants, introduce you to your cohort and to the wider programme group, demonstrate the action learning process and, of course, to get the action learning meetings underway. Following the Launch, each cohort will participate in action learning on five more occasions, details of the dates are here.

Following the closing event in June, we will ask you to evaluate the programme and impact it has had on you. Over the course of the learning sets we will equip you with the skills you need to continue your action learning independently, should you wish to do so.

Please complete the form below to register your interest in the SE Action Learning Programme 2024:

We will review applications and allocate places as soon as possible. Confirmations will be sent out via email from your own institution, (before the Christmas break), to confirm whether you have been selected . In the meantime, please ring-fence the dates in your diary to ensure you are able to take up your place if you are successful. Please note that this is a competitive process.